Over 400 employees in Grup Serban Holding
Management is carried out by a team of top managers who approach agriculture as a business, without subjectivity, focusing on profitability indicators. We carefully analyze the opportunity and necessity of our actions, investments, and expenditures. We believe that our top management team, capable of devising and implementing development strategies from an idea, regardless of project complexity, followed by middle management together with subordinate structures, represents a competitive advantage and a differentiating factor that is difficult to replicate.
By attracting, developing, and retaining the most talented professionals who share our values, we have internally developed interdepartmental teams dedicated to obtaining international certifications, attracting European funds, obtaining approvals and permits for new projects, ESG practices, and the Innovation Laboratory in Agro-Food Analysis and Plant Nutrition.
We are open to intrapreneurial proposals and support them through consultancy and financing.
We are inspired and find deep satisfaction in overcoming complex challenges, successfully completing projects with a high degree of difficulty. We celebrate every victory that breaks us free from the limiting mindset that 'such achievements are not possible for us,' thus redefining the standards of excellence and innovation within our organization.
Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Nicolae Șerban, the founder and CEO of GSH, has been the driving force behind the success of Interagroaliment SRL from 1994 to the present.
With a solid and ongoing education in economics, Mr. Șerban has effectively guided the company towards impressive organic growth while maintaining business stability. He is renowned for his ability to analyze and propose solutions for the challenges of the business environment, fostering strong relationships with both governmental institutions and commercial partners. His character is defined by a blend of pragmatism, determination, and a profound respect for ethical principles, succinctly encapsulated in his motto: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
This philosophy has guided him in all decisions and strategies adopted, consolidating not only the financial performance of GSH but also the corporate culture based on mutual respect and integrity. Nicolae Șerban is recognized as an authentic leader who always prioritizes the well-being of his team and partners.
Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy Chief Executive Officer
(Deputy CEO)
Irina Șerban, the Deputy CEO of GSH, is the architect behind the company's success, overseeing the financial, legal, accounting, development, and marketing departments.
With over 30 years of experience, her negotiation and management skills form the foundation of GSH's success. Result-oriented and pragmatic, Irina Șerban plays a key role in defining strategies and ensuring operational efficiency. She is appreciated for her ability to balance strategic vision with concrete actions, leading by example and motivating the team towards ambitious goals.
Membru în consiliul de Administrație
Director Economic
I joined the GSH team relatively recently, drawn to the agribusiness field where I see a sustainable sector with significant potential in implementing measures that contribute significantly to environmental issues and sustainability, which are in line with my own values. With over 25 years of experience in finance, budget management, and developed skills and knowledge in trade with a continuous focus on improvement, accuracy, and performance, I hope that my experience will be an added value and will serve the ambitious development directions that the company aims to achieve in the coming years.